Wallpapers are what you will see when turning on your computer or waking it from sleep. Here is a couple of sites I recommend. By the way, this is my first time using markdown to make a page...
These websites will fit most devices.
Wallpapers made with software like Blender or Maya.
URL | Price | Notes |
https://beta.digitalblasphemy.com/ | $25 for a years access $20 for 3 months access These are only for the basic tier, which offers you access to just the wallpapers, which are in .jpg format. Also offers the ability to buy a work and have permanent access to it. |
Used to offer a lifetime option, but this is no longer available. |
Wallpapers of varying types
URL | Price | Notes |
https://basicappleguy.com/haberdashery | Free, Tip Jar Provided | This website's author has used AI to generate some of their wallpapers. Wallpapers optimised for Apple devices. |
https://www.positrondream.com/wallpapers-all | Free | Images hosted on a dropbox account, which means you should mirror it just in case. |
https://windowswallpaper.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page | Free, Tip Jar Provided | Documents various wallpapers used in Microsoft WIndows. |
Software for wallpapers
URL | Price | Desription |
https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nblggh1zbkw?hl=en-us&gl=US | Free, Tip Jar Provided | Wallpaper switcher that allows for Windows Spotlight and Bing Photo Of The Day to be used. Also allows for EXIF data to be displayed as a caption to the photo. |
https://johnsad.ventures/software/backgroundswitcher/ | Windows version is free Mac version is paid |
Wallpaper switcher that allows for Local, Flickr, Google Photos, Unsplash, RSS, Dropbox, Onedrive and more sources to be used. |